At Blacktooth Large Animal Services, LLC, we offer a variety of services to care for your animal. If you have any questions or would like more information on how we can care for your animal, please contact us today.
Breeding Horses
We can help your breeding program in many ways. We can help to track your mare’s heat cycle so that you know when the opportune time for breeding is. If you have a stallion, we can help with sperm collection.
Equine Dental Care
We are proud to offer equine dentistry and provide care for your horse’s entire oral cavity. A horse’s teeth and jaw function are vital to their overall well being, so dental care is an important part of your horse’s health.
Diseases and Health Problems
Some horses travel and are surrounded by lots of other horses while others simply stay at home. Your horse may need certain vaccinations due to where they live. There are many diseases that are more prevalent in certain areas.
Hoof Care
Owners need to pick their horses’ hooves often to keep them clean and disease free. It is also necessary to have a good farrier you trust. Routine visits from a farrier will keep your horses feet in great shape. Many horses require shoes, and a farrier will make sure that your horses have the right shoes fitted. Horses’ hooves may crack and break so many owners apply ointment to keep them healthy.
A horse’s mobility is vital to their everyday life and happiness, so lameness can be a major issue. Lameness is any abnormality in the gait or stance, usually caused by pain, illness, or injury of some sort.
Since horses have different vaccination needs, depending on where they live, if they travel, and what they do, we recommend discussing your horse’s vaccination schedule with us. Together we can start a schedule that will work for you and your new horse.
Other Services Provided
- Nutritional Services
- General Health
Please contact us today if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how we care for your animal.